Friday 23 March 2012

Fantastic Friday!

We had a fantastic end to a fabulous week in Grade 2!  The morning began with a morning smile that included some subtraction and a word search - the students worked so well together to find all the words :)  We then moved into to writing our letters to Mrs. Salmini (our new principal).  The students and I had a wonderful discussion about the different parts of a letter and some ideas to put into our letters.  The students got to work and had a very productive letter writing period.  

After nutrition break the students and I read a story called "Ish" and discussed what "Ish" artwork means and how we are going to create an "Ish" piece of art.  The students were to create a self-portrait inspired by Modigliani (making an elongated face) and then colour it in using the "ish" approach - we used tissue paper and were expressive with it and didn't stay in between the lines.  The portraits turned out beautifully and I was so impressed with the students work (check out their work below)!

The students then finished the story, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory with Ms. Fink, did some quiet reading, and then we were off to computers and the students explored my blog and all the fun websites I have added.

Today was a fantastic day and I hope everyone enjoys the weekend!  I will see all my amazing students on Monday!

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