Monday 26 March 2012

Magnificent Monday!

Monday mornings are always so wonderful as we all go to the library and listen to a fabulous story read by Mr. Cann and then we explore the library looking for new books!  The students then had choir during the second period so after recess we began some grocery shopping!  The task the students are working on is to find at least 6 items in various grocery flyers, ensure they have the item labelled, write the subtraction story, and then write the change using the "cents' sign.  The students loved going "shopping" and finding items that were less than 99cents.  We will be finishing up this project tomorrow in class.  

We then moved into social studies and began to talk about different kinds of maps.  The students and I read a beautiful book all about Ontario and then discussed what parts make up a map.  Students were then put into small groups and got to explore different kinds of maps and be "map detectives" in search for different cities and water bodies in Ontario.  The students then worked on their "all about me" activity and filled in the "Ontario section" as their province.

After nutrition break, the students and I read another chapter from Flat Stanley!  The students then did their "good copies" of their letters to Mrs. Salmini.  The students and I talked about editing and what makes a good letter.  The students will be presenting their letters to Mrs. Salmini tomorrow - we are very excited to have her come to our classroom!

The students were also sent home with their new spelling words for the week!  I'm looking forward to another wonderful day in Grade 2 tomorrow where we will be working on inferencing and grocery shopping and we have an amazing Tribes activity planned tomorrow during Period 5 and 6 with our Tribes in the school! :)

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