Tuesday 27 March 2012

Tribes Tuesday!

Today was Tribes Tuesday as we had a Tribes event during periods 5 and 6 with our school tribe!

We began today with a morning smile that had the students adding up coin values and matching it with the corresponding value.  The students and I then played "inferencing bingo"!  The children really enjoyed this game and discovering all the different places, people, and things the inference stories were talking about.  We then discussed in a large group how to write a proper response to an inference and then the students practiced writing these responses.  

After nutrition break the students finished up their responses and got caught up on their other work :).  They  then were off to music!  During period 5 and 6, all the students were sent off to their school tribe groups to participate in activities around the topic of "respect".  Everyone had a great time and enjoyed Tribes!

Below is a picture of our classroom Tribes board Miss Clarke made.  We made our "footprint" stories last week and that picture will be posted soon!


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