Flat Stanley Information

Dear Students and Families,

We are studying “Features of Communities Around the World” in social studies.  Through this unit we are looking at similarities and differences in our community and beyond.
To explore this we will be sending out our Flat Stanleys – the students have named theirs after themselves (ex, Flat Miss Clarke).  Flat Stanley loves to travel!  Please send him/her to a family member or a friend out of town and ask them to take Flat Stanley on an adventure.  They are welcome to take pictures with him/her and write letters or journals about their adventures together.

Choose your family member or friend wisely because not everyone will want Flat Stanley to visit.  I recommend that you call or message them before you send him/her, check to see if it is okay, and let them know he/she is on the way for an adventure.

Flat Stanley, the student’s Flat letter, and a letter (that you will need to fill in) to accompany him/her are inside the envelope your student has brought home.  Please have your friend or family put him/her back in the mail by Friday, April 20.  That way he/she will have plenty of time to travel – he/she is going to be sent to the school in the addressed envelope.  We will then read the Flat Stanley letters as a class J

Please contact Ms. Fink with any questions and she will direct them to me.

Thank you for your continued support!

Miss Clarke and Ms. Fink


My name is Flat __________ and I am a student in Miss Clarke’s and Ms. Fink’s grade 2 classroom.  I have come to visit because in my classroom we are learning about “Features of Communities Around the World”.  I want to see what it is like to live your life.  You can take me to work, the gym, or any other daily activity.  Feel free to make me new clothes as I love to dress-up!  Please write a letter about our activities or take pictures to send back with me; that way my class and I can learn about your adventures with me. 
Please put me in the mail to be sent back to Florence Meares Public School (in the envelope) by Friday, April 20

Thank you so much for taking care of me!


Flat ______________

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