Monday 16 April 2012

Magnificent Monday - April 17

Today was a great way to start the week!  We began today with a trip to the library and a lovely story read by the librarian.  The students then enjoyed a few minutes picking out new books and I noticed many of them looking at Flat Stanley books - so exciting to see that!  After our library visit, the students wrote down their 5 new spelling words in their agendas and then it was off to choir!

After snack, the students and I began the new math unit on measurement!  We read about measurement, brainstormed ideas about measurement, and then got to do some measuring!  The students were set up into groups and then sent off to work at 5 different stations.  The students practiced their estimating skills, measuring skills, perimeter skills, and area skills.  You will have to ask your child about what activity they liked best - I think it may have been the marshmallow centre!

After second nutrition break we did some more work on our social studies unit on mapping.  We explore more about the Northern parts of Canada and their life.  The students then completed a chart that compared their life to a child's life in Nunavut.  The students learned that they had a lot in common with children in Nunavut but that we have different seasons and as such dress differently.  The different connections that the students made were amazing!

To end the day we had some quiet reading and writing time :)

Tomorrow we will be learning about paragraph writing, doing some more measuring, and having a community circle in tribes!

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