Tuesday 17 April 2012

Too Awesome Tuesday - April 17

Today in Grade 2 we did lots of fun things!  We learned about paragraphs, we measured with straws, candy, and money, finished up our art, and had a beautiful community circle :)

The morning began with our morning smile that allowed students to practice their word wall words and make sentences with them.  We then did some finish up work with our bunny brochures and had some quiet reading time.  After, the students and I investigated what makes a level 2, 3, and 4 paragraph and the students came up with lots of ideas on how to write a paragraph and what words should be on our bump it up wall!

The students then had nutrition beak.  After we did another super fun lesson on measurement.  I hired the students to be a part of my knitting store.  They got three different items of clothing and 3 different measuring tools.  The students worked in groups to measure the items and find out which tool works best with each item.  The students did a fantastic job and are all amazing mathematicians!  The students were then off to music to play on the drums!

After the second nutrition break the students were given some time to work on their butterfly art projects from last week!  The students made some beautiful butterflies (I will put up a picture soon).  After art we then had Tribes.  We had a community circle about how "we are feeling in class".  Everyone had such positive and wonderful things to say about our classroom - it warmed my heart :)  We then did a group activity where the students had to use non-verbal cues and make different shapes with their bodies in groups.  The students did a fantastic job!!

Tonight was to read, read, and read some more and to practice the spelling words! 

Tomorrow is the volunteer tea, so please come and join us if you have been one of our amazing volunteers!

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