Tuesday 24 April 2012

fanTastic Tuesday! April 24

It was a fanTastic day in Grade 2 today.  We began the morning with our morning smile.  The students first had to estimate and then they used a ruler to measure the lengths of different pencils - please keep practicing with students at home on how to use a ruler :) We then moved into language and worked on "determining importance".  The students helped me to determine what was important to take to dinner (wallet and keys) and what items were not important (ruler and book).  The students then practiced this skill in regards to items that I wanted to bring camping with me.  We are beginning to work on determining importance first through pictures and then through text.  

The students then had nutrition break and we had an indoor recess.  In third period we did some math!  We learned about perimeter and area.  We first found what the area and perimeter was of different items using rockets and then using graph paper.  The students then completed a job for me in determining which garden I should plant my flowers in.  The problem solving the students were engaged in was so amazing to see!  The students were then off to music class in which they were a part of a huge drum circle - it sounded and looked like a lot of fun!

The students were then able to go out for their second nutrition break.  We then finished up our math from the morning and then worked on our social studies projects - we are comparing a warm country to Nunavut.  The interesting facts the students are learning and finding in the books are so amazing - they are great researchers!  We then had Tribes :)  we worked on becoming bucket fillers and talked about how important it is to be a bucket filler instead of a bucket tipper - ask the students about this.  We ended the day with a wonderful community circle.

The homework for tonight is to read, read, and read some more! :) 

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