Thursday 12 April 2012

Terrific Thursday - April 12

It was a terrific day in grade 2 today!  We sent our Flat Stanley's home, learned about Arctic communities, played ringette in gym, and did a much needed desk clean out!

We began this morning with our morning smile that focused on our word wall words - their, there, and they're (name is the other word wall word).  The students did a great job learning the definitions and applying them.  We then read a chapter from our Flat Stanley book about ninjas!  As a group we put together our Flat Stanley envelopes and the students have brought them home - please make sure to read the information  before sending him off!  Ms. Fink then did a making words lesson with the students and they made some amazing words!

After nutrition break the students and I read a story about Arctic communities and brainstormed some ideas together and then in small groups the students did some research about the communities and put their information in a graphic organizer.  The students worked so well together and learned so much - I was very proud of them!  As a large group we then compiled all of our information and had a great discussion on the different topics.  The students then got to do a MUCH needed desk clean out!  We found socks, old books, and even some "missing" work!  The students were all very happy to have had done that and the classroom is much cleaner and the students are much better organized.

Then after second nutrition break the students went to gym class and played a fun game of ringette - I went to check on the class and they were all smiling and having fun!  For the last period of the day we read our shared reading and then we had a pep rally for the school's basketball teams.  We cheered on the players and gave them high-fives!

The homework for tonight is to finish the mathtastic duotang work and to study for the spelling test tomorrow.  Remember tomorrow is crazy hair day too!  Also, Flat Stanley was sent home so please get him out to a friend or family member soon :) 

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