Monday 2 April 2012

Magical Monday - April 2

Today was a great day in Grade 2!
We were busy beavers today but had lots of
fun learning along the way.  

This morning we visited the library to read a story as a class and then get new library books to take home.  Lots of the students looked at the Flat Stanley stories as we have been reading about him in class.  After library the students copied down their new spelling words into their agendas and then it was off to choir!  After nutrition break the students had math with Miss Clarke - today was a special day as Miss Clarke's teacher came to visit and watch Miss Clarke teach.  We created number lines in small groups based on addition and subtraction questions involving money.  The students worked so well in their groups and did a wonderful job - they are becoming money experts!  We then moved into a shared reading lesson with Ms Fink about Easter.  The students had lots of wonderful experiences to share about Easter!  After the second nutrition break we read a story about treasure maps and then created our own compasses to use when the students explored a map of Canada.  We were having lots of fun navigating around Canada but then there was a fire drill!  We moved quickly out of the classroom and had to practice our new route as the construction at FM has blocked our old door.  Once everything was safe (it was just a practice drill) we finished up our social studies work and enjoyed a few minutes of quiet reading.

The only homework that students have is to read, read, and read some more!  Also, if the students have not returned their mapping information (about where they have travelled or lived) please do that asap.

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