Thursday 19 April 2012

Terrific Thursday!

It was a wonderful day in Grade 2.  We began the morning with our morning smile - the students practice their measuring skills and did a spring word search.  After the students and I unscrambled a paragraph and wrote it in proper structure using our success criteria.  The students then unscrambled another paragraph (on spaghetti and meatballs) and then wrote it in proper paragraph form - they all did such a great job and used our success criteria so well!

After nutrition break the students learned how to use a ruler and then measured different animals.  They loved this activity as they finally got to use a ruler and measure real life images.  We then began our final task for social studies, looking at a country near the equator and comparing it to Nunavut (what we have been studying for the past week together).  The students all got their groups and got to work - the enthusiasm the students projected in this activity was so amazing to see!

The students then had gym class and played soccer!  We then ended the day with our shared reading and then the students had some quiet reading time - perfect way to end the day :)

EXCITING NEWS - we received two flat friends today!  It was so much fun to read the adventures of these friends!  Hopefully we receive more in the mail very soon!  

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