Wednesday 4 April 2012

Wacky Wednesday - April 4

Today wasn't really a wacky day, it was more of a wonderful day in grade 2!  We began the morning with our morning smile in which the students were following the instructions to a secret graph and revealing a picture!  The students all think it is going to be something about Easter, so we will have to wait and see what the students find when they finish it tomorrow morning!  We then moved into a double period of language arts which was broken into two lessons - one on there, their, and they're and the other on our Flat Stanley letters.  The spelling words for this week do have there, their, and they're and the students need to be able to understand the definitions and understand the word in context.  We did a review today of this and a short activity but please continue to work on this with your child at home :)  Our second lesson was on the Flat Stanley adventure that the students went out.  They got to design their own Flat adventure and we worked on incorporating "first, then, next, finally".  The students had super creative ideas and I am really looking forward to reading more of them this weekend!

The students then had nutrition break and were all curious about what Miss Clarke was setting up!  When the students came back in from recess they found that Miss Clarke had set up a pulley system in the classroom!  We watched a few short videos on pulleys and then learned about pulleys using the one Miss Clarke created.  We had such a fun time learning about different loads and efforts and we used different classroom materials as our efforts and loads such as markers, pencils, and erasers - be sure to ask your student about this as everyone was very excited!  After we did a quick game of simon says to "shake our sillies" and we then moved into some problem solving in math.  We read about a candy store and the different items it sold.  The students then got to go "shopping" for Miss Clarke and Ms Fink with different money amounts and restrictions.  The students came up with great ideas and used their amazing problem solving skills!

After second nutrition break the students had gym - they all came back very tired, so it sounds like they had fun!  We then had reading buddies with our fabulous grade 5's!  Many of the students read the Easter books Ms Fink has put out on our author shelf.  Then it was time to pack up and go home :)

The homework that was sent home tonight was an Easter math sheet (adding) and was in the students' mathtastic duotangs!  Also, please remember that the spelling test is NEXT FRIDAY - April 13th.  

Miss Clarke is very excited for Bunny Day tomorrow - she even went out and got some bunny ears!  See all my little bunnies tomorrow for our fun filled day!! :

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