Wednesday 11 April 2012

Wonderful Wednesday - April 11

Today was a wonderful day in grade 2!  We did some shopping, Flat Stanley writing, and map making!

Today was a switch day, so today was a "Monday" even though it really was a Wednesday.  We began the day in the library reading a book with the librarian and choosing new books to read!  After our visit, Ms. Fink introduced students to the butterflies that we will be welcoming to our classroom at the end of April.  Then the students were off to choir to sing!

After nutrition break was SHOPPING!  The students made their wish lists for their shopping trip and got to choose one of their lists and go shopping at Miss Clarke's store.  The students brought home their purchases home tonight so you will have to find out what they bought :)  We then began our new Flat Stanley story and then finished writing our Flat Stanley adventures!  The students will be bringing home their Flat Stanley letters tomorrow with instructions so make sure to check their backpacks when they get home!  

*This picture is of our shopping centre*

Then it was time for lunch!  After lunch the students watched a book on tumblebooks about "a big mistake" and travelling the world.  The students really enjoyed the story!  Then we learned about continents and sang a song about them.  The students then got to work together to create a map with the 7 continents.  For our final period of the day the students were either quietly reading or were writing stories - a great way to end an amazing day!

The students brought home their mathtastic duotang tonight and will be working on subtraction questions.  We will be sending home the Flat Stanley projects we have been doing in class tomorrow - so be sure to check them out!

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