Wednesday 25 April 2012

Wonderful Wednesday!

Today was a wonderful day in grade 2!  We began the day with our morning smile in which the students used clues to make a spring item - we will finish it tomorrow to find out what the spring item is!  After the students and I read our Flat Stanley book and read some of the Flat Stanley adventures that arrived today in the mail.  After the students wrote a paragraph using the success criteria about the country that they had been researching for social studies.

After nutrition break the students were engaged in a problem solving task for math.  We read a story about seating plans and then the students worked in small groups to find the perimeter and area of different seating plans and then they got to make their own.  The students did an amazing job problem solving today!  We then moved into science and we reviewed the simple machines test from last week and discovered simple machines that are in our kitchen!  The students were then given some time for quiet reading.

The students then had lunch!  After lunch the students had gym class and said they played at different stations and then got to play zombie tag!  For our last period of the day our fabulous reading buddies came and the students got to read some of their favourite stories with their buddies!

The homework for tonight was the mathtastic duotang...but Miss Clarke forgot to send it home with the students!  Sorry!  Tomorrow the students will bring home their mathtastic duotang and their "I can read like a pro" duotang.

There is no spelling test tomorrow :)

And....tomorrow is Miss Clarke's last day :(  I am going to miss my amazing grade 2's so much but am looking forward to tomorrow and having a fun final day!

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