Saturday 14 April 2012

Freaky Friday - April 13

Although it was Friday the 13th, we didn't let that scare us in grade 2!

We began the day with our morning smile that had the students working on their mapping skills using North, East, South, and West.  The students then had their spelling tests and all did so great!  After, I read them a chapter from the newest Flat Stanley story.  The students then finished up their rabbit brochures - many of them had some creative writing ideas!  After snack, Ms. Fink gave the students a lesson the the butterfly art that they were doing.  The students got right to work and did an amazing job - they looked so beautiful!  

Miss Clarke and Ms. Fink then had to leave to go to a meeting but the students, I'm sure, had a fabulous afternoon.  They were going to finish up their butterfly art, make some compound words using the "spring shaker", and then go to computer and go on Bookflix - a class favourite!

The homework for the weekend is the "I can read like a pro" duotang with the poem about "April Shower Brings May Flowers" and on the back are a few questions I would like the students to do :)

Have a lovely weekend! :) 

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