Wednesday 18 April 2012

Wow! It is already Wednesday - April 18

This week is flying by, I cannot believe it is already Wednesday.

The morning began a bit differently as we had our volunteer appreciation assembly :)  It was such a nice assembly to recognize our amazing volunteers.  The presentations put on by the students were so sweet - great job to all my students in primary choir!  After the assembly the students finished up their morning smiles and then we worked as a group to develop success criteria for writing a paragraph.  

After nutrition break the students had a mini quiz on the different simple machines.  We then had another fun math lesson in which we created our own measurement sticks!  The students then used these measurement sticks to measure different items around the classroom - they did such a great job.  The students should have brought home their measurement sticks to do their math homework for tonight.

Ms Fink and I enjoyed the students at recess (as we had duty) and it looked like everyone enjoyed getting outside and seeing the sunshine.  The students then had gym and they all came back with smiles on their faces and all tired (must have been fun).  We then read our shared reading together, a few quick stories, and then the students had reading buddies with our grade 5 friends.

The homework for tonight is to practice the spelling words and do the fun measurement work sent home in the mathtastic duotang! 

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